Once you have found games, or roms, (you can get test roms here place them in your 'roms' directory. When you first start mame you will get an error stating no games found. Most front-ends use the command line version of mame.thus they act like a gui (graphical user interface)įirst this write up assumes that you have a folder called mame in your home folder (ex. (Note: Tihs is written for basic mame and some knowledge of the 'command line' is needed. If you you have no clue what i am talking about go here MAME is very customizable and can be tweaked down to the last detail.įirst off we are going to assume that you know what mame is and have it installed.
MAME is one of the easier emulators to set up.and can be the hardest to 'get right'. After all what is a arcade cabinet with out arcade games right? Thanks goes out to ladysephiroth for help with this!